Paint for interior walls, matt, extremely resistant. Stain and liquid resistant. Easy to clean.
For high-quality coatings of all interior walls, such as Placoplâtre panels, painter's nonwovens, fiberglass fabrics, woodchip papers, textured and embossed overcoat wallpapers or old coatings stable, as well as plaster and masonry.
Particularly well suited for interior walls located in areas sensitive to dirt, such as kitchens, canteens, dining rooms, etc., and particularly suitable against liquids, coffee, coke, ketchup, etc.
Alpha Rezisto Easy Clean is an easy-to-work, matt interior wall paint that is characterized by an extremely low soiling tendency and is easy to clean. The innovative Stain Shield technology used in the paint has the effect (after approx. 14 days) that dirt penetrates the surface significantly less than with conventional wall paints. This property also explains the ease of cleaning; many dirt can be removed almost without residue when cleaning is done quickly. This paint is therefore particularly suitable for parts subject to high stresses. The resistance of Sikkens Rezisto EasyClean to disinfectants used, for example, in hospitals or medical practices for surface disinfection, has been tested and approved by the ILF Magdeburg GmbH.
Fiche technique (si_alpharezistoeasyclean_tm_0722_dach_fr.pdf, 1,145 Kb) [Download]
Fiche de sécurité (si_ch_fr_alpha_rezisto_easy_clean_white.pdf, 148 Kb) [Download]
Technisches Merkblatt (si_alpharezistoeasyclean_tm_0722_dach_de.pdf, 1,191 Kb) [Download]
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (si_ch_de_alpha_rezisto_easy_clean_w05.pdf, 151 Kb) [Download]