Facade paints

Professional quality facade paints. Great covering power and beautiful, clean shades for a long time.
Impression à large spectre soluble dans l'eau, exempte de plastifiant et de solvant, permettant d'égaliser le pouvoir absorbant des enduits poreux formant légèrement du sable, ainsi que des vieux enduits formant faiblement de la craie, en...
Packaging1 Ltr BrandHerbol Consumption150ml / m2 DilutionWater
24.35 CHF
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Matt mineral paint for exterior walls based on polysilicates and inorganic pigments stable to light. Main advantages Fast drying. Good weather resistance. Based on the latest generation of silicates; stable dispersion of colloidal silicas (nanotechnology). Mineral...
Packaging1 Ltr BrandSikkens brightnessMast Consumption9m2 / liter DilutionSupraliet Primer
45.55 CHF
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Matt mineral paint for exterior walls based on polysilicates and inorganic pigments stable to light. Main advantages Fast drying. Good weather resistance. Based on the latest generation of silicates; stable dispersion of colloidal silicas (nanotechnology). Mineral...
Packaging1 Ltr BrandSikkens brightnessMast Consumption9m2 / liter DilutionSupraliet Primer
39.00 CHF
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Matte facade paint based on high resistance acryl-siloxane resins Destination: Exterior walls, old plaster, Properties: -Optimal water resistance, excellent diffusion of water vapor. -Low soiling -High covering power -Optimal resistance to atmospheric agents
Packaging1 Ltr BrandSestriere Vernici brightnessMast Consumption7m2 / liter DilutionWater
33.60 CHF
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Glacis béton, transparent pour béton d’ornement et lavé. Propriétés: Agit efficacement comme frein de carbonatisation contre le dioxyde de carbone et le dioxyde de soufre Résistant aux polluants agressifs de...
Packaging12.5ltr BrandHerbol
283.85 CHF
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Facade paint based on acrylate-reinforced silicone resin for smooth and structured substrates The SILATEC product is an intermediate layer and an exterior finish coat that is water-dilutable, easy to apply and has a high filling power. Acryloxane technology provides weather-resistant...
Size12.5 Ltr BrandHerbol brightnessMast Consumption250ml / m2, 150ml / m2 DilutionWater
239.20 CHF
Herbol Silatec 12.5ltr, Color: White Herbol Silatec 12.5ltr, Color: Tinted
In stock
Matte facade paint based on high resistance acryl-siloxane resins Destination: Exterior walls, old plaster, Properties: -Optimal water resistance, excellent diffusion of water vapor. -Low soiling -High covering power -Optimal resistance to atmospheric agents
Packaging1 Ltr BrandSestriere Vernici brightnessMast Consumption7m2 / liter DilutionWater
27.30 CHF
In stock
Facade paint based on acrylate-reinforced silicone resin for smooth and structured substrates The SILATEC product is an intermediate layer and an exterior finish coat that is water-dilutable, easy to apply and has a high filling power. Acryloxane technology provides weather-resistant...
Size1 Ltr BrandHerbol brightnessMast Consumption250ml / m2, 150ml / m2 DilutionWater
28.75 CHF
Blanc Herbol Silatec 1ltr, :
In stock
Acrylic base and finish Formulated with the EBS method, ie a combination of solvent-based technology in an aqueous emulsion. Good balance between chemical resistance and resistance to the exterior. The solvent in the polymer allows good penetration support. Resistance to atmospheric agents...
Packaging4 Ltr BrandSestriere Vernici brightnessMast Consumption8m2 / liter DilutionWater
122.00 CHF
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Mineralizer for porous mineral materials that restores the material and deepens it. USES MX300 is a mineralizer for outdoor use. It is used on porous mineral materials (stones, terracotta, reconstituted pavements, tile joints, plaster, concrete ...) in order to consolidate them....
Packaging5 Ltr BrandCecil Consumption5 to 10m2 / ltr DilutionReady to use
102.85 CHF
In stock
Facade paint based on acrylate-reinforced silicone resin for smooth and structured substrates The SILATEC product is an intermediate layer and an exterior finish coat that is water-dilutable, easy to apply and has a high filling power. Acryloxane technology provides weather-resistant...
Size5 Ltr BrandHerbol brightnessMast Consumption250ml / m2, 150ml / m2 DilutionWater
114.90 CHF
Herbol Silatec 5ltr, : Herbol Silatec 5ltr, :
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Satin matt concrete coating for outdoor use with long-lasting protection against pollutants As a protective coating for concrete surfaces, the product slows down the carbonation of concrete by carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. It thus offers reliable protection against aggressive atmospheres...
Size12.5 Ltr BrandHerbol DilutionWater
391.95 CHF
Herbol Beton-Finish 12.5Ltr, Color: White Herbol Beton-Finish 12.5Ltr, Color: Tinted
In stock
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