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Décapant Surpuissant TOUS SUPPORTS Produit décapant professionnel EN GEL multi-supports (bois, fer, métal, carrelage , verres…)  pour éliminer lasures, peintures, vernis, crépis, colles...  ...
Packaging1 Ltr BrandCecil Consumption6m2 / liter
38.85 CHF
In stock
PeelAway is a new HCC-free (methylene chloride-free) paint stripper and delayer from the marine world that is also ideal for stripping furniture. Due to its unique composition, PeelAway is suitable for removing multi-layer dispersion paints, facade paints, one- and two-component paints, acrylic...
Packaging4 Kg
130.40 CHF
In stock