

Discover Wagner Group Paint Sprayers for Professional Results!

Welcome to our page dedicated to the Wagner Group, the world leader in the field of paint spraying equipment. If you're looking for professional solutions for your painting projects, look no further. With an unrivaled reputation for innovation and quality, Wagner Group appliances enable you to achieve superior results in record time.

Benefits of Wagner Group paint sprayers:

  1. Superior Performance: Wagner Group paint sprayers are designed to deliver exceptional performance, allowing you to complete your painting projects efficiently.

  2. Ease of Use: Whether you're a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic DIYer, Wagner devices are simple to use, allowing you to achieve professional quality finishes effortlessly.

  3. Significant time savings: With their high paint output, our devices help you complete your projects faster, saving you valuable time.

  4. Versatility: Whether for indoor or outdoor work, Wagner devices adapt to a wide variety of surfaces, allowing you to express your creativity without limit.

  5. Unparalleled quality of finish: Wagner Group appliances are equipped with the latest technologies to give you a smooth and homogeneous finish, exceeding your highest expectations.

  6. Professional support: Our team of specialists are here to support you throughout your journey, providing advice and technical assistance for a seamless experience.

Conclusion: Don't compromise on the quality of your painting projects. Trust Wagner Group and its paint spraying equipment for unparalleled professional results. Save time and money while achieving a perfect finish. Explore our full range of devices and turn your painting projects into masterpieces today!

Wagner XVLP – FinishControl 4000 18V Spraypack
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
1'025.00 CHF
Wagner XVLP – FinishControl 4000 18V
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
735.00 CHF
Wagner WallSpray
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
150.60 CHF
Wagner SuperFinish 23 Pro Spraypack
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
3'135.80 CHF 3'135.65 CHF
Wagner StandardSpray
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
150.60 CHF
Wagner ProSpray 3.20
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
2'256.30 CHF
Wagner Easy-Glide 118ml
18.10 CHF
Wagner buse HEA Prrotip
In stock
85.75 CHF
Tuyau haute pression pour la pulverisation airless
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
232.40 CHF
6.15 CHF
Supprt de buse TT3 G
In stock
63.25 CHF
SuperFinish 33 Plus Spraypack
Available from external warehouse. (Deadline to be confirmed)
8'288.70 CHF
Show another 12 products