Colormark Spray Spotmarker Construction Marking

14.80 CHF
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Professional quality marking on construction sites, in the fields of underground construction, road construction and buildings. Also usable in the fields of tunnel construction and mining.

Patented one-handed safety cap with Easy Touch trigger for enhanced functionality and increased safety. Guarantees marking without getting your fingers dirty.

Color, bright pink, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow and bright blue for fluorescent markings.

Also available in non-fluorescent colors: white, yellow, red, gray and black.

The gray and black marking bomb can also be used as a corrective paint to eliminate light markings on concrete or tar.

Spotmark. Fluo leuchtblau 500 500 ml 201523
Spotmark. Fluo leuchtgelb 500 500 ml 201509
Spotmark. Fluo leuchtgr 500 ml 201516
Spotmark. Fluo leuchtorang.500 500 ml 201493
Spotmark. Fluo leuchtpink 500 500 ml 201479
j0iMCIgdG9wbWFyZ2luPSIw & parameters% 5B2% 5D = & IiBtYXJnaW53aWR0aD0iMCIgbWFyZ2luaGVpZ2h0PSIwIj4iO3M6NDoid3JhcCI7 parameters% 5B3% 5D = czozNzoiPGEgaHJlZj0iamF2YXNjcmlwdDpjbG9zZSgpOyI% 2BIHwgPC9hPiI7fQ% 3D% 3D "target =" thepicture "> Spotmark. Fluo leuchtrot 500 500 ml 201486
Spotmark. gelb 500 500 ml 201547
Spotmark. rot 500 500 ml 201530
Spotmark. schwarz 500 500 ml 201561
Spotmark. wei 500 ml 201554
 Neon Blue
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